25 Random Things About Me

This is actually a note that I published in FB... but since I now have my own blog... (ahem.. ahem... so proud)... let me post this here too... :)

1. I am chocoholic. I love any chocolate candy… from the local brands such as serg (which I hope they will bring back), mayfair, football, chocnut, flat tops/curly tops to the imported ones such as cadbury, nestle, m&ms, ferrero, hershey's etc. (except ALMOND JOY)

2. Eating at McDonalds makes me happy… it makes me reminisce of my childhood years.

3. I am obsessed with shoes… I make it a point to buy at least a single pair of shoes in each country that I go to.

4. I used to hate the beach and the feeling of sand in my feet… but that is all BEFORE my trip to Boracay… now I think otherwise.

5. It became my routine to go to the mall at least once a week… this serves as my therapy…

6. I don't like imitation or knock-offs… I will prefer to buy clothes with a cheap brand or no brand at all instead of buying fake apparel.

7. I love to smile and I have this standard smile in all my pictures.

8. I am super picky with my food… I only eat chicken breast, limited variety of vegetables and fruits, I don't eat raisins, pecans etc.

9. I tend to become brutally frank and say whatever is on my mind.

10. I am anti-social. I don't like going to parties and super crowded places.

11. I love to eat pasta even without the sauce.

12. When I was a kid, I used to EAT milo and consider it as my dessert… yummy!

13. I am afraid of doctors… I really get scared everytime I have to undergo the annual physical exam.

14. I enjoy reading when I was a kid and I will buy a new book if only it has an interesting or cute cover.

15. The sound of the electric fan makes me sleepy.

16. I am super scared of dogs and cockroaches (especially the flying ones).

17. Up to this day, I have not gone to the dentist for tooth extraction.

18. My childhood dream is to be a nun. I thought that it is the easiest profession because you just have to pray all day long.

19. My most memorable birthday is the year when my friends surprised me in the house despite of the super strong rains brought about by "Milenyo".

20. I don't like Valentines day. I believe that day is overrated.

21. I have a weird way of eating wafer sticks, wafer cones and cinnamon rolls… I like to eat it from the outer layer to the inner layer.

22. I believe that Gerard is truly one of the best gift God has given me.

23. During my adolescent years, I get turned on with guys with bracelet… I don't know why…

24. I love cold rock's chocochipaholic with cookie dough.. yummy! :)

25. I did not know that I will have a hard time coming up with 25 random things about myself. Whew!


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