Project 365 - Part 20

Here's part 20 of my project 365...

Happy browsing!

Day 191 – July 11

It is the birthday of one of my close friends – Nuni!!! I am so happy that we are successful in surprising her on her special day, not only once… but twice! We were also happy to hear the good news that God has given her the best gift ever! She is now 8th week pregnant! Yahoo!!!

Day 192 – July 12

I get tired easily and it’s so nice that we were able to find a room where we can sleep during lunch break… I’m now addicted to power naps! J

Day 193 – July 13

Kiti-kiti day! My officemate found the larva of a mosquito or what we usually call in tagalong “kiti-kiti” when he got some water from the dispenser. Of course, we gathered around to see… Here’s a picture of us but without the “kiti-kiti”.

Day 194 – July 14

It’s bad hair day for me… I am trying to experiment on whether I can have “shampoo days only” meaning without conditioner… so here’s the result – limp hair…

Day 195 – July 15

Friday group lunch out… Thanks Caloy for the yummy lunch!

Day 196 – July 16

Francine, the new TV model... hehehe

It’s Papa’s 70th birthday today! We gave them a new tv as our gift. J Happy birthday Papa!

Day 197 – July 17

Dinner with Gerard’s friends… Happy to see them again! J

Day 198 – July 18

Lunch date with my officemate Reimon at Shakey’s – bunch-of-lunch for the preggy… made me super full!

Day 199 – July 19
It’s Bonsai’s birthday today… I just hope he is enjoying his party in heaven…

Day 200 – July 20, 2011

I was able to borrow some classical music CDs from my uncle --- yippee! Music for our GB! J


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