My Simple Wish on my birthday

Flashback to years ago, during the time when Gerard was still courting me, he asked what I want for my birthday and I told him - I want the small, powder-
blue Lacoste bag. I also told him the things that I will do on that day - from attending mass early morning- going to office the whole day etc… 

I am sure he bought the bag - the only surprise will be the time on when he will give it. He did not know that I planned my whole get up - from clothes to shoes to match that bag. My birthday came- he attended mass with me, but the question is- did he give me the bag? No. 

So I went to the office- they planned a little surprise and ask Gerard to come over. Of course, he then showed up with  flowers… such a sweet gesture I must say. But did he give me the bag? still no. 

So imagine, I wore matching outfit and shoes but no bag to matched with. So when my day was about to end, I went home and changed to my sleeping clothes. Only then Gerard went to the house to give the gift- my powder blue  small Lacoste bag. Was I happy? Of course not!

 I got super mad and I told him- that was my birthday bag and you’re just giving it when my birthday is about to end?! I told him to go home already and told him the bag is useless! 

Of course when finally I became calm, I looked for the bag again. Haha! I hope this story will make you realize I really give importance to my birthday. 

Fast forward to this year- I did not plan anything special for my birthday.. I just want to go to Mass and visit my Dad. I did not ask my husband to buy me a bag. Okay, I asked him for shoes instead.  But I did not buy “matching birthday clothes” this year. So this  is unusual for someone like me who takes birthdays seriously. 

This year- I only have a simple wish… to rest and to not think of anything.

Now that I am happily married to Gerard, a mother of 2 kids and given that we don’t have a maid in the house for almost 2 years now… I do all household chores plus mommy and wife duties. So my simple wish is to just rest and not think of anything on my birthday. 

For household chores- I can ask someone to come over to do it for me on my special day. 

The wife and mommy duties--- perhaps asking for one day rest from my husband and kids is not too much. 

5 days before my birthday, my son tested positive for Covid. At first, since we still have 5 days- maybe we can test on my birthday and we can still go out to celebrate. 

3 days before my birthday, Gerard and I had symptoms already and confirmed that we are positive too. Counted again for 5 days- we can test on Friday and maybe we can already go out in the weekend. 

1 day before my birthday, my daughter is already developing symptoms and we’re sure she has Covid already. So on my birthday- my whole family has Covid. We are now really locked up in our small house. 

So I began to have a discussion with God… I told Him- I only have a simple wish… I only want to rest and not think of anything… but how can I rest? Even if I am sick, who will take care of my family? Who will do the household chores? Who will remind and give medicines to my husband and kids? How can I not think of my family at this time? I cannot afford to rest even if I am sick because I still need to fulfill my duties. 

But then God is so good. He then made me realize my blessings. I got so tied up with all the negative energy around me and failed to realize my blessings. 

I am blessed because I have a family to take care of. I am blessed because even if we have a small house and can’t afford to really isolate- we really feel that we are not alone. 

Yes, we might be all infected but this is all temporary. Covid will pass and with His healing- we will be well again. 

I am blessed because all of us are fully vaccinated and all of us are experiencing mild symptoms. No one needs to be confined. I can still work and do my normal tasks.  My kids can still attend their online classes. 

I might be Covid positive on my birthday but God made me positive/optimistic in my perspective as He made me realize His special blessings— the gift of Family, the gift of Life and the gift of Healing. 

Thank you Lord for giving me this “pause” because in doing so, I was able to appreciate everything. God has given me more that what I have asked for… and with all of this- I am forever grateful.

Happy birthday to me.


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