My labor story

I know my due date is already near that is why we have been preparing for the big event.

We prepared her room already.

I have made the necessary arrangements at work. I already got the approval to work from home from December 17 onwards or until I give birth. After all my due date is still on the 31st.

I have drafted my birth plan and just for final approval from my OB.

There are just some more things to pack in the diaper bag and our own hospital bag.

Bottomline, to some extent, we were ready.

Though, at the back of my mind, I really want to give birth on December 18.

If you ask me why on the 18th simply because it is my favorite number.

But God has really prepared a plan for each one of us. It may not be the same as our plan, but definitely it is the BEST.

On my 37th week, in the early morning of December 12, 2011, I felt something weird inside. It was like a ‘twitch’ in my side.

I got up and went to our bathroom.

I saw blood in my pee.

At that instant, I realized it was time to go to the hospital.

I told Gerard that we need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

I texted our OB to inform her that I had some spotting.

Gerard immediately rushed to get our things.

I then went back to our room to dress up and prepare to go to the hospital.

At exactly 1:53 AM, my water bag broke.

Now I know we only have 24 hours.

Now I know it was really Giulia’s time to come out.

Though Gerard doesn’t want to admit, I felt that he was a bit tensed and panicky.

On the other hand, I remained calm and relaxed.

We reached Makati Medical Center in less than 20 minutes.

When we informed the nurses in the emergency room that my water bag broke, I was sent to the 5th floor.

I was first examined in the triage to determine whether I was in labor already or not.

Obviously I already had contractions even though I was only 2 cm at that time.

I was then transferred to the labor room, past 3 AM.

I was still 2 cm at that time but they said that I am 80% effaced.

Contractions came with 5-minute intervals. At that point, pain was still tolerable. I was still watching the show in Food Network.

They want to speed up my contractions to around 2 minute-intervals so they had to inject me with Pitocin.

At around 5 – 6 AM, the pain is becoming intense already. I was only 4 cm at that time but I already asked for epidural.

The anesthesiologist came at around 8 AM and gave me the first shot of epidural.

The pain slowly faded and I was so relieved.

At around 1030 AM, I asked again for another dose of epidural since I felt the contractions becoming intense again.

I think I was already 7-8 CM already.

At 1130 – 12noon, I was already 9 CM. I really thought I will give birth at 12 noon. I started to feel the contractions.

The pain was so intense that I was asking if I can have another shot of epidural.

At first they do not want to give another dose of epidural since I will give birth soon.

I really told them that I cannot handle the pain anymore so I was so happy to have the 3rd dose of epidural.

Around 1 PM, after the nth internal exam, they said that I am now ready to give birth.

After a few minutes, they already transferred me to the delivery room.

I was so excited!

I requested my OB to call Gerard so that he can be at my side during delivery.

I was not at all nervous. Gerard can attest to that. He said I was so calm and I was just like a child who doesn’t know what to do.

They asked me to push after the count of 10… and though we took a birth class, I do not know how to push because my lower body is numb.

Honestly, when I was asked to push for several times, I just acted and look as if I was pushing. Hehehe J

After the nth push, I think I got the hang of it.

At 1:37 PM, our princess was out!

It was all worth it.

I was not tired at all and I was awake the whole time in the recovery room.

My energy was up… I was so elated!

Thank God for our greatest blessing.

Thank God for Giulia Bernice Samson.


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