Birth Plan

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These days it's common to include a birth plan in your pre-baby preparations. A birth plan allows you to make choices about labor and delivery while you are still able to participate in the decision making—before the only thing on your mind is the next contraction.reference

I have made my birth plan on my 32th week. 

This has been approved already by my OB, Dra. Socorro Caedo-Lim. 


I would like take pictures and/or video during labor and delivery
I'd like the option of returning home if I'm not in active labor.

If possible, I would like to do enema at home or forego enema


As long as the baby and I are doing fine, I'd like to:

Have intermittent rather than continuous electronic fetal monitoring

Remain ambulant except when my bag of water has burst

Episiotomy and local anesthesia only if necessary

Epidural only when requested


After birth, I would like the following:

Immediate latching of my baby after she has been resuscitated

To wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut

My partner to cut the umbilical cord


If I have a c-section, I'd like:

A bikini cut

My partner to be present at all times during the operation

Our baby to be given to my partner as soon as she's dried, if appropriate

To breastfeed my baby in the recovery room


After delivery, I'd like:

All newborn procedures to take place in my presence my partner to stay with our baby at all times if I can't be there

To room-in our baby as soon as possible


I would like to exclusively breastfeed our baby

She will not be fed any supplemental formula and/or glucose water unless medically indicated.


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