Happy Anniversary, Bubbly Blabber!

Tomorrow, September 14, marks the first anniversary of my blog. Looking back at my first entry, I said that I will use this blog as my diary, an outlet to release my emotions, thoughts and feelings. Thus, I came up with a tagline: a celebration of life and explosion of emotions.

Though I do not post everyday, I still manage to keep it updated once in a while. And with only one year of existence, I am so happy to know that I have reached people from all parts of the world. I am so thankful for people who have sent messages, comments and kind words about my blog.

In the years to come, I hope I will be able to continue this blog and serve as an inspiration to people, in my own little way.

I hope to bring more good news to people and share information about me or about life in general.

As a final note, I want to share a quote from Helen Keller:

“I believe that life is given us so we may grow in love, and I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence.”


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